So you’ve gone and set up your Raspberry Pi surveillance system (hopefully without too much trouble). Now we’re going to configure it to do exactly what we want it to. how long before ivermectin expires
If you haven’t yet built your surveillance system, check out how to do exactly that here:
First and foremost, if you are still logging in as ‘admin’ and leaving the password as blank, change it NOW! I mean if that’s the case then already I know your credentials, all I’d need to do now is have access to your home/work network, or not even, if you setup port forwarding and the IP address is now accessible to just about anybody with an internet connection. So please change it.

From there you will need to click “Apply”, this will cause a reboot. Then sign in using your new (unbeknownst to me) admin credentials. This will then give you access to the advanced settings where we will be making most of our changes.
Now some of you may already notice that your camera orientation is quite off, depending on how you mounted it. ivermectin for squirrel mange Usually it will appear to be about 90 degrees off, lucky for us there are ways to fix this.

In the settings pane, look for the tab “Video Device”. Expand this tab and you will see a list of all the features you can play around with just pertaining to your camera. You can change the name of the camera, the resolution, the frame rate in which you are streaming and set automatic brightness, but what we want to change is the “Video Rotation”. This is responsible for any rotation depending on how you mounted the camera, select either ), 90, 180 or 270 degrees, until it looks perfect for your set up.
Now we are going to set up our Pi to stream the live video feed, and not just take pictures. In the settings pane, scroll down to “Video Streaming” and expand the tab. First thing you’ll want to do is toggle on Video Streaming, next we can set the video quality and frame rate of the stream, obviously the better quality and higher frame rate will use more CPU on the PI and you may still see poorer quality feed if you have poor internet.

Next up, we can configure our Pi to take photos when motion is detected. It will then save these photos on the SD card. So just underneath the Video Streaming tab, go to “Still Images”, and set the capture method to “motion triggered”. You can leave the rest as is, unless you want to change the name it gives when saving the photos, and the image quality.

So now we’ve gotten our Pi to do some pretty cool monitoring, however, how will we know to go and have a look at our surveillance system, when something has triggered motion? Well, let’s create a rule, that if the Pi detects any motion, it will then take a picture and send us an email, letting us know who’s there.
In the settings pane, scroll down to “Motion Notification”, and toggle the “Send an email” option. Now this section can be a bit tricky, especially if the email address you want to send it to is a Gmail address. So enter your email address, your smtp (for gmail use “”), specify your port (use 587 for gmail), SMTP Account is where you specify the account from where the email will be sent from, you will also need to provide the password for that account. You can leave the last field empty and it will use the above email address. Lastly make sure you set TLS to on. Then hit “test email”. If you’ve entered everything correctly, it should say that it succeeded. If not, then please check all the details again, if that still isn’t working and if it’s a Gmail account then you may need to go to your Google account settings and allow less secure apps to connect. ivermectina figado Once you have that done and saved, it should perfectly.

Now lastly, we’re going to upload all our images or recordings to a Google Drive so that your Pi doesn’t run out of space. If you have an FTP service or a site then you can do it via FTP, or even use DropBox, but for this guide we’ll use Google Drive.
So let’s scroll to the “File Storage” tab, and set “Upload Media Files” to on. Then you can set the “Upload Service” to Google Drive. Now when you specify the location, always start with “/” then enter the name you want the folder to be called, and end with another “/”. This simply tells the service that it needs to upload within a directory. Then under “Authorization Key”, click on “Obtain Key”, this will take you to a new web page and you can then select the Google account you want to use. Then simply allow motionEyeOS to access it and you will be given a key. Copy this key and paste it back in the “Authorization Key” field, click test and everything should be working perfectly.

Please note that in order for any of these changes to take place, you need to click on “Apply” on the top right, this will cause the Pi to reboot each time. Also, you will need to make these changes to each camera individually by selecting which camera in the top left.
Hopefully by now you can not only build a home surveillance system, but also configure it to suit your needs.